Legal Notice


The present legal notice is intended to help you identify the persons responsible for ALLPEOPLE (AP) – Association registered under number 889 405 023 (“the Association”), whose offices are located at 15 rue des Roitelets, 91400 Orsay, France, and who are in charge of publishing and operating the website (the “Site”), our partner sites and the application dedicated to managing the sharing of experiences (“the Application”).

On the Site and the Application, in the “Contacts” section, you will find the precise contact details of the persons in charge and how to contact them as efficiently as possible, as well as the procedure for the complete cancellation of an account and subscription – if necessary – and the destruction of associated data, for a registered user (hereinafter referred to as the “User”).


The Site: OVH, SAS, address: 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France. phone number: +33.972101007, e-mail address

The Application: TO BE COMPLETED

Other partner sites: OVH, SAS, address: 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France. tel number: +33.972101007, e-mail address: .


Article Site01 : Purpose

The present SITE GTC or Site General Conditions of Use provide a legal framework for the use of the Site’s services.

They constitute the contract between the Association and the User, and access to the Site must be preceded by acceptance of these SITE GTC. Access to this platform implies acceptance of these SITE GTC.

Article Site02 : Legal information

See paragraphs 1 and 2 of this document.

Article Site03: Access to the Site

The Site provides free access to the following services:

Consultation of the information made available and Browsing; Contacting the association; If the “share an experience” button is available, then: Submit a personal public experience on the site; Access the store; Download the resources made available free of charge; Create a site user account (if present).

The Site is accessible free of charge from anywhere by any User with Internet access. All costs incurred in accessing the services (hardware, Internet connection, etc.) are the responsibility of the User.

Access to services dedicated to Users is by means of a login and password.

For maintenance or other reasons, access to the Site may be interrupted or suspended by the publisher without notice or justification.

Article Site04 : Data collection

For the creation of the User’s account, the collection of information at the time of registration on the Site is necessary and compulsory. In accordance with French law n°78-17 of January 6th relating to data processing, data files and individual liberties, the collection and processing of personal information is carried out with respect for privacy.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, articles 39 and 40, the User has the right to access, rectify, delete and object to his or her personal data. Details of data management and the application of these rights are given in the Association’s privacy policy.

Article Site05 : Intellectual property

Trademarks, logos and Site content (graphic illustrations, text, etc.) are protected by the French Intellectual Property Code and by copyright.

Reproduction and copying of content by the User requires prior authorization from the Association. In this case, any use for commercial or advertising purposes is prohibited.

Article Site06: Liability of the Association

Although the information published on the Site is deemed reliable, the Association reserves the right not to guarantee the reliability of sources.

The information published on the Site is for information purposes only and has no contractual value. Despite regular updates, the Association cannot be held responsible for any changes in administrative or legal provisions that may occur after publication. The same applies to the use and interpretation of information provided on the Site.

The Association declines all responsibility for any viruses that may infect the User’s computer equipment after using or accessing the Site.

The Association cannot be held responsible in the event of force majeure or the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party.

The Association cannot guarantee the total security and confidentiality of data. However, the Association undertakes to implement all methods required to do so to the best of its ability and in accordance with its principles.

Article Site07: Hypertext links

The Site may contain hypertext links. By clicking on these links, the User will leave the Site. The Association has no control over, and cannot be held responsible for, the content of web pages linked to the Site.

Article Site08: Cookies

During visits to the Site, a cookie may be automatically installed on the User’s browser.

Cookies are small files deposited temporarily on the hard disk of the User’s computer. These cookies are necessary to ensure accessibility and navigation on the Site. These files do not contain any personal information and cannot be used to identify an individual.

The information contained in cookies is used to improve browsing performance on the Site.

By browsing the Site, the User accepts cookies. They can be deactivated via the settings of the browser software used.

Article Site09: Publication by the User

The Site enables members to contribute by sharing experiences via publications which may be private – via lists – or public.

In their publications, members are required to respect the rules of Netiquette as well as the legal rules in force.

The Association has the right to carry out a priori moderation on publications and may refuse to put them online without having to provide any justification.

The member retains all intellectual property rights. However, any publication on the Site implies the delegation of the non-exclusive and free right to the publishing company to represent, reproduce, modify, adapt, distribute and disseminate the publication anywhere and on any medium for the duration of the intellectual property, in compliance with the principles of the Association. This may be done directly or through an authorized third party. This applies in particular to the right to use the publication on the web and cell phone networks.

For each use, the publisher undertakes to mention the member’s name close to the publication.

Article Site10 : Responsibility of the User.

The User is responsible for all content produced and published. The User undertakes not to publish content likely to harm the interests of third parties. He may nevertheless store content of his choice in his personal space, provided he does not publish it. Any legal proceedings brought by an injured third party against the Site shall be borne by the User.

The Association may delete a User’s publication at any time, for any reason and without prior notice. On the other hand, the Association undertakes never to delete a User’s legal content without prior notice and, moreover, with a good reason (technical, administrative, other). In this respect, the Association must remain as faithful as possible to the principles defined.

Article Site11 : Duration of contract

The present contract is valid for an indefinite period. The commencement of use of the Site’s services marks the application of the contract to the User.

Article Site12: Applicable law and jurisdiction

This contract is governed by French law. Should any dispute between the parties fail to be resolved amicably, recourse shall be had to the competent French courts to settle the dispute.


General conditions of use of the Application

Article App01: Purpose

These APP General Terms and Conditions of Use provide the legal framework for the use of the Application’s services.

They constitute the contract between the Association and the User, and access to the Application must be preceded by acceptance of these APP GCU. Access to this platform implies acceptance of these APP GCU.

Article App02: Legal information

See paragraphs 1 and 2 of this document.

Article App03: Access to the Application

The Application provides free access to the following services:

List of services available free of charge on the Application.

Provided the User is a subscriber, the Application provides access to the following additional services:

List of additional services for subscribers on the Application.

The Application can be accessed free of charge from anywhere by any User with Internet access. All costs required to access the services (hardware, Internet connection, etc.) are the responsibility of the User.

Access to services dedicated to Users is by means of a login and password.

For maintenance or other reasons, access to the Application may be interrupted or suspended by the publisher without notice or justification.

Article App04 : Data collection

For the creation of the User’s account, the collection of information at the time of registration on the site is necessary and obligatory. In accordance with French law n°78-17 of January 6th relating to data processing, data files and individual liberties, the collection and processing of personal information is carried out with respect for privacy.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, articles 39 and 40, the User has the right to access, rectify, delete and object to his or her personal data. Details of data management and the application of these rights are given in the Association’s privacy policy.

Article App05 : Intellectual property

Trademarks, logos and the contents of the Application (graphic illustrations, texts, etc.) are protected by the French Intellectual Property Code and by copyright.

Reproduction and copying of content by the User requires prior authorization from the Association. In this case, any use for commercial or advertising purposes is prohibited.

Article App06 : Liability of the Association

Although the information published on the Application is deemed reliable, the Association reserves the right not to guarantee the reliability of sources.

The information published on the Application is for information purposes only and has no contractual value. Despite regular updates, the Association cannot be held responsible for any changes in administrative or legal provisions that may occur after publication. The same applies to the use and interpretation of information provided on the Application.

The Association declines all responsibility for any viruses that may infect the User’s computer equipment after using or accessing the Application.

The Association may not be held liable in the event of force majeure or the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party.

The Association cannot guarantee the total security and confidentiality of data. However, the Association undertakes to implement all methods required to do so to the best of its ability and in accordance with its principles.

Article App07: Hypertext links

The Application may include hypertext links. By clicking on these links, the User will leave the Application. The Association has no control over, and cannot be held responsible for, the content of web pages linked to the Application.

Article App08: Cookies

During visits to the Application, a cookie may be automatically installed on the User’s browser.

Cookies are small files deposited temporarily on the hard disk of the User’s computer. These cookies are necessary to ensure accessibility and navigation on the Application. These files do not contain any personal information and cannot be used to identify an individual.

The information contained in cookies is used to improve the performance of the Application.

By using the Application, the User accepts cookies. They can be deactivated via the settings of the browser software used.

Article App09: Publication by the User

The Application enables members to contribute by sharing experiences via publications which may be private – via lists – or public.

In their publications, members are required to respect the rules of Netiquette as well as the legal rules in force.

The Association has the right to carry out a priori moderation on publications and may refuse to put them online without having to provide any justification.

The member retains all intellectual property rights. However, any publication on the Application implies the delegation of the non-exclusive and free right to the publishing company to represent, reproduce, modify, adapt, distribute and disseminate the publication anywhere and on any medium for the duration of the intellectual property, in compliance with the principles of the Association. This may be done directly or through an authorized third party. This applies in particular to the right to use the publication on the web and cell phone networks.

For each use, the publisher undertakes to mention the member’s name close to the publication.

Article App10 : Responsibility of the User.

The User is responsible for all content produced and published. The User undertakes not to publish content likely to harm the interests of third parties. He may nevertheless store content of his choice in his personal space, provided he does not publish it. Any legal proceedings brought by an injured third party against the Association shall be borne by the User.

The Association may delete a User’s publication at any time, for any reason and without prior notice. On the other hand, the Association undertakes never to delete a User’s legal content without prior notice and, moreover, with a good reason (technical, administrative, other). In this respect, the Association must remain as faithful as possible to the principles defined.

Article App11 : Duration of contract

The present contract is valid for an indefinite period. The commencement of use of the Application’s services marks the application of the contract to the User.

Article App12: Applicable law and jurisdiction

The present contract is governed by French law. Should any dispute between the parties fail to be resolved amicably, recourse shall be had to the competent French courts to settle the dispute.


BTC: Business To Customer

For payments, the Association’s standard payment terminal may be used by any authorized member of the Association.

All BTC terms and conditions are covered by the Association’s privacy policy.

Subscription prices are shown directly in the Application. Product prices are shown in the product catalog available on the Site (store section). Prices for services are shown in the service catalog available on the Site (store section).

In the context of the management of manufacturing defects and in general of the legal guarantee of conformity and hidden defects, the Association disclaims all liability subsequent to the use of a product sold, but undertakes to replace the product or redo the service in the event of faulty workmanship (or notorious non-quality).

Whatever the purchase, a right of withdrawal of 14 days applies to all purchases made from the Association. A standard withdrawal form is available from the Association on request. As a result of this universal statement concerning the Association’s sales, the legal 12-month period for reimbursement is null and void and not applicable.

For subscriptions (Application): the commercial conditions for subscriptions sold through the Application are systematically specified in the Application during the acquisition process. These conditions are binding on the Association. Similarly, the prerogatives and rights granted to the subscribed User are indicated in the Application. As soon as the subscription is taken out and the payment validated, the rights are acquired and the Application takes advantage of them (additional functionalities compared to non-subscribers) (Only the technical delay, excluding bugs and additional development, must be taken into account to access subscriber functionalities).

For products delivered by the Association: By product, the Association means that which is part of its product catalog. Once the purchase has been made, the delivery conditions apply according to what is mentioned on the Site or the Application.

For services provided by the Association: By service, the Association means anything that is not already the subject of a subscription to the Application or a product provided as such by the Association through its product catalog. An individual may request and pay for a service from the Association, provided it is part of the Association’s catalog of services and has a predefined price. The purchase of a service is associated with a delivery date, which will be indicated in the service catalog.


BTB: Business to Business

In general, the special conditions of sale CGV BTC apply in their execution and obligations to sales to professionals. However, there are a few specific features.

The billing section must be expressed in favor of a legal entity rather than a natural person. When using the payment terminal, the authorized member in charge of receiving the payment must ensure that the corresponding invoice is issued, and pass on all the relevant information to the Association’s treasurer (or deputy treasurer). Payment in instalments is not provided for by default (if necessary, it will be part of a specific commercial proposal).

The Association does not distinguish between categories of corporate customers. Anything not included in the common catalog (products and services) for individuals and companies will be the subject of specific commercial proposals.

In contrast to the BTC terms and conditions, which require immediate cash payment before delivery of the goods purchased, it is customary in the professional sector to issue an invoice and wait for payment. Payment within 30 days is required by default, unless otherwise specified in a specific commercial proposal. Similarly, by default, a monthly late payment penalty is set at 10% of the outstanding amount.

For subscriptions (Application): same as BTC General Terms and Conditions, with the exception of grouped sales of subscriptions enabling companies to declare Users as subscribers on the basis of a contract defined with the client company. This functionality has not yet been developed in the Application. This grouped sale of subscriptions to the Application and the related commercial proposal must be validated by the Association’s president.

For products delivered by the Association: idem CGV BTC, with the exception of the purchase of large quantities of the Association’s products, which may be the subject of specific commercial proposals validated by the President of the Association.

For services provided by the Association: idem CGV BTC, with the clarification that the Association’s services are not limited to its catalog of services and, in the event that prices are not predefined, cannot be provided to a corporate customer without having been validated by the Association’s Board of Directors and a specific commercial proposal validated by the Association’s President.


For any question relating to this Policy or for any request relating to your personal data, you can contact us by email, or by post: ALLPEOPLE (AP), 15 rue des Roitelets, 91400 Orsay France.


The Association may modify or update all or part of its legal notices. They will be binding as soon as they have been published on the website in this section. We therefore invite you to consult this page regularly for the latest update of our legal notices.

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