HN001 EN Homo Dispensatio

“Homo Dispensatio
The man of the digital age is the man of sharing.
Sharing our digital heritage means sharing our life experiences.
Giving his points of view, his wisdom, his lessons, his reflections.
Giving without counting the things you’ve created or thought about in your life.
Giving what you know, your feelings and what you feel is important.
It’s about building our memory and giving it a new perspective.
And those who want to take part need to get organized.
They have to change their software, adapt.
Their first step is to share, without expecting anything in return.
Contribute, trust.
Let’s be together in this new way of being.
Let’s stop being afraid of giving to others.
No AI can replace all human beings.
Let’s enter this digital era and take our place as human beings sharing.
AllPeople is the secure tool for sharing our life experiences.
It’s the first step in this new vision.
Thank you.

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